Causal Islands LA

Using TiddlyWiki For Personal Knowledge Curation
03-23, 13:30–14:00 (America/Los_Angeles), Warehouse

TiddlyWiki is an open-source software project initiated and maintained by Jeremy Ruston and volunteers since 2004. It is a local-first, future-proof tool for thought, task management system, storage and retrieval device, personal notebook, and so much more.

This talk will delve into the robust customization available to users of TiddlyWiki and showcase the approach I have used in my practice as both an artist and developer.

Please include a link to your presentation or any supporting resources for your talk. You can also fill this out later, closer to the conference.

Gavin Gamboa is a Los Angeles-based composer, pianist, and video-artist interested in the intersections of improvised and premeditated composition, using software to form a multifaceted stylistic praxis.